社群藝術計劃 Community Art Projects

探索活動 Exploratory


Art for All’s projects can begin with our initiative or invitations to serve a certain community. This usually begins with short term programmes designed to explore the make-up and partners of a community. It may be a school, a local organization, a church or a government agency.

加深連繫 Strengthening Connections


After fruitful exploration, partnerships are formed to design suitable programmes towards a goal. Depending on needs, a healthy project generally requires 2 to 3 years, beginning with art programmes to draw interests, nurturing individual and communal roles, and eventually train and empower the members of the community to continue the work.

治療性藝術計劃 Therapeutic Art Programme


In communities that have or are facing great adversity, a carefully designed programme with a combined team of Art Facilitators and Therapeutic Artists are required. Artist facilitates the programmes to move slowly, with an eye and ear for hidden stress and trauma, drawing ideas and gathering momentum from the community to heal and empower themselves. Programmes also include training and psychological support for workers and caregivers under stress.